Scaling Root and Planing (Deep Cleaning)

Scaling Root and Planing (Deep Cleaning)


Scaling Root and Planing (Deep Cleaning)

Periodontal disease is highly treatable but not entirely curable. If you receive a diagnosis of periodontal disease, we may suggest a treatment known as a “deep cleaning,” also called scaling and root planing.

During this treatment, our dental hygienist or dentist may administer a topical or local numbing agent to ensure your comfort. Throughout the procedure, we delicately remove plaque, bacteria, and tartar that adhere to the root structure and within the deeper periodontal pockets. This action aids in stabilizing and healing the tissue.

The objective of this procedure is to reduce bleeding and inflammation caused by bacteria and tartar while aiding in preventing further bone loss and destruction of tissue fibers.

Following the completion of your scaling and root planing treatment, we will schedule you for regular ongoing maintenance care. These appointments will include a comprehensive professional cleaning and monitoring of your oral health to prevent the recurrence and progression of the disease.